bila flash back balik,macam banyak ruang kosong
yang mana disebabkan penyakit lupa+banyak fikir
even tho ade old skool diari,well dah ade baby,pegang pen pon dia sibuk nk tolong tuliskan
8bulan 4 mggu, understand some command
dah pandai lambai, bye-bye
cuma tgh menunggu next skill utk berdiri sendiri tanpa bantuan
sebab, awk ni suka sangat lepas tgn,bikin hati omi meloncat
until now,sorry for u are not allowed until u learn to walk properly =)
sama lah macam masa omi dah bukak mittens masa umur awak 3 mggu..
biarkan awak belajar pegang rattle smp ketuk kepala sdr..kuikuikui...
but, it is ur learning session
ni info dari baby centre...guideline je..
ikot suka la nk buat ke x =)
Once your baby starts standing and cruising, you may wonder whether real shoes are necessary. Until your baby is walking around outdoors regularly, most doctors and developmental experts don't think so. It's normal for your baby to walk a bit bowlegged or with feet turned out, and those little tootsies may look flat. Going barefoot can help strengthen your baby's arches and leg muscles, and feeling the textures of what's underfoot can help with balance.
What should I do if my baby gets a bump?
Comfort your baby, but try not to overreact — bumps are common for babies learning to get around, and most of them are minor and don't cause any serious injury. Apply an ice pack for 20 minutes to bring down any swelling. Try feeding or distracting your baby so she doesn't react too much to the cold of the ice pack.
If your baby loses consciousness, call 911. If she's not breathing, give her two minutes of rescue breathing or CPR first, and then call 911. (Click here for more details.)
In general, call the doctor after a bump if your baby is not her usual self — you know your baby best, so follow your instincts and talk to a healthcare professional if you have any doubts.
More specifically, call the doctor if your baby vomits, appears unusually irritable or confused, appears drowsy or dizzy, cries or screams for an extended period of time, or has a significant bump, a deep or persistently bleeding cut, a bruise behind the ear, a soft area on the scalp, unexplained black-and-blue spots, blood in the whites of her eyes, or clear or pinkish fluid or blood coming from the mouth, nose, or ears.
fashya, agak2 risau kalo husna wat stunt, bwk je jmp doc..
nnt dia cek... :)
within 4 months dah jd toddler...
uhuk....xpuas rasanya kelebek my baby ni..
on early education,
penerapan dari alam rahim hingga lahir kena on going process
sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit
we never buy those expensive educational toys (ok,tipu,..ade la 1or 2)
sebab at 1st,mcm kena rasuk gak dgn impulsive buying..
tp lama2 back to reality
learning process itu halus macam seni
so,terpulang pada parents untuk mengajar
our little baby di ajar pelbagai,
cth,1. kipas berpusing..kenapa?how? explanation etc
2. macam mana hujan terjadi
lebih kurang gitu la...
me more pada sains...abah,more pada tauhid =)
tapi all 3 of us still learning...
sebab perbendaharaanNya itu sangatlah luas...
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mish u botak.. |
bagus nya omi nih, try explain pada anak yang kita rasa ntah paham ntah tidak, tapi bagus kan camtu. maybe die dgr ape kite cakap.
mas pegang konsep,anak ibarat kain putih,kita yg,mari mewarna!!hahahaha
betul konsep ummi... akak pun gitu. since baby kecik, dia faham atau tak, selagi dia kosentret kat kita, pandang muka, ha eksplen la apa nak eksplen. sebenarnya masuk ke otak dia dan dia faham tu. tak caya, tengok kesan dia masa dia da bole cakap nanti. you'll be suprised! :)
tulah. bila diorang da 9 bulan cemni, mcm2 da pandai, rasa cam... haii, tak puas lagi nak belek2. daa besar. ape lagi. buat lagi satu. :D
memang, bila kita first time jadi parent, masa tu lah kita bertiga sama-sama belajar. sebab itulah, kalau tgk dalam adik beradik, yg sulung tu mak ayah kita treat lain sikit. sebab dengan anak sulung itulah mak ayah kita belajar macam-macam. dari tak tahu, jadi tahu. banyak try n error. banyak salah silap. anak seterusnya, kita dah ada pengalaman.. kan? just an opinion dari pemerhatian ya.. hehe. takde bukti kukuh.
tp betul la. why eh kita ummi2 byk on science je kan? lelaki more to tauhid.. i guess itulah beza lelaki dan perempuan. kita more to the surface je kadang2. hihi. :)
keep up the good work ummi.
ehhh..tak elok eh pakaikan kasut awal2
huhuu..cha dah ada 5 pasang kasut
tp skrg mmg tgh semangat nak bertatih
kalau dpt bertatih mmg seronok
mmg kalau dia manjat2..biarkan aje
terjatuh gak dah 2,3 kali
terpulang dayu...
tujuan xpakaikan kasut supaya bila kaki dia jejak lantai dia blh differentiate tmpt tu licin/kesat nnt dia akan amik precaution.. =)
sama mcm ms kita nk ajar dia pegang barang =)
mas mmg biarkn rijal melasak,tp perhatikan je..jatuh sikit xpe..learning proses..
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