it's about this little baby that pass away at daycare.
ape yg aku sangat concern adalah i bet hampir semua nursery akan buat kekdah gini.
1. alas lampin/bantal kat baby yg sedang menyusu
2. baby akan tido bersama2 botol susu smp susu meleleh kuar tanpa sedar.
even x-nursery Rijal pon buat. sebab aku tgk dgn mata kepala ni sdr.
i'm lucky sebab Rijal WAJIB org pegang botol susu dia kalau tak,dia akan geleng2kan kepala dia sampai botol susu dia jatuh.
i taught him to do so.-trained him before sending him to nursery-
bila menda jadi depan mata, i'll do something about it.
either tegur pengasuh/pegangkan botol susu dulu before inform owner.
i am very FUSSY.(regarding my baby)
FUSSY is my middle name.
sekarang aku berlapang hati sebab Rijal dijaga depan mata.
but bukan aku yang jaga Rijal.
I don't know if i have to send my babies again to daycare.
i don't want this thing ever happen again.Repeatedly.
even though aku hanya picisan, but i do believe every single person in earth can give an impact.
even a SMALL changes.
yang pergi tetap pergi.
namun yang tinggal boleh buat sesuatu untuk mengelakkan ia terjadi lagi.
i took it from here
this is the father
this is the story of Adelia Muhammad Nizzam.
The One About Justice For Arwah Adelia
I am sure it has become viral how parents of the late (arwah) Adelia are seeking justice for the death of the baby due to negligance.
The beautiful, bubbly, shiny-eyed chubby baby with rosy apple cheeks Arwah Adelia Bt Fariza has gone back to heaven after staff to one of the nurseries in Section 10 in Shah Alam found her not breathing. She was said to have had some fluids in her lungs.
Utusan Malaysia Online -
ARKIB : 20/03/2011
ARKIB : 20/03/2011
Bayi 2 bulan maut tersedak susu
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Adelia Muhammad Nizzam |
KUALA LUMPUR 19 Mac - Seorang bayi perempuan berusia dua bulan maut akibat tersedak susu ketika berada di sebuah taman asuhan kanak-kanak (Taska) di Seksyen 10, Shah Alam, Selangor pada Rabu lalu.
Adelia Muhammad Nizzam disahkan meninggal dunia oleh pakar perubatan, dipercayai kira-kira sejam sebelum dia dikejarkan ke klinik itu oleh pengasuh Taska.
Bapa bayi, Muhammad Nizzam Aminuddin, 34, melahirkan kesal dengan tindakan pengasuh di Taska tersebut yang lewat menghantar anaknya untuk mendapatkan rawatan, selain gagal memaklumkan segera kejadian itu kepadanya.
"Ketika kejadian, saya dan isteri sedang mencari pakaian untuk arwah di sebuah pusat membeli-belah di Subang Jaya. Apa yang saya kesalkan, pihak Taska lewat memaklumkan kejadian itu iaitu kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi, selepas bayi kami disahkan meninggal dunia oleh pakar perubatan di klinik tersebut.
"Pihak klinik memaklumkan Adelia mungkin dapat diselamatkan sekiranya pihak Taska bertindak cepat dengan menghantarnya ke klinik sejurus melihat perubahan berlaku," katanya ketika dihubungi Mingguan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Adelia merupakan anak kedua Muhammad Nizzam dan isterinya, Fariza Tukir, 32. Keluarga itu yang menetap di Seksyen 13, Shah Alam baru dua hari menghantar bayi itu ke Taska tersebut.
Bapa mangsa membuat laporan di Balai Polis Seksyen 9, Shah Alam pada hari kejadian, namun pihak Taska juga membuat laporan polis berhubung kejadian itu hari ini.
Ketua Polis Daerah Shah Alam, Asisten Komisioner Zahedi Ayob semasa dihubungi mengklasifikasikan kes itu sebagai mati mengejut.
Was breaks my heart is her father's pleas for those to be responsible for their actions.
His pleas on the Facebook profile of the allerged nursery has been deleted as they have accusted him of FITNAH.
Please click on the image for better reading
However from testimonial events gathered from both father and mother of the late Adelia on the particular day we can conclude some negligance had occured. Included are the actual fact that parents arrive at the hospital FIRST before the baby. They were at Subang Parade when they got the call. Arwah was at Section 10. She was rushed to DEMC which is in section 14 Shah Alam.
Here are some of the words her mother has penned down :
Ya Allah Bismillah, help me to strengthened my spirits
Adelia's death was totally unexpected heart is crushed
and I can still feel her linger as I remember the night before how restless she was but there were no cries or tears, how she wanted to cling to us, how she refused to be bottle fed a week before that gave me grave concerns about how I will go back to work.
And thus every drop of breastmilk, I bless thee my daughter in heaven as deemed halal for you.
The morning of 16 March, with great confidence to the nursery I submit Adelia to their care
It breaks my heart to leave you behind. It breaks any mother's heart to do so that I decided to buy new clothes for you to wear to replaced the preloved ones you are wearing from your sister....They tried everything but to no respond .. Ya Allah .. Adeline has left for heaven.. Innalillahi wailla hiraji'un .. Mummy Redha your farewell from us dear
.. but why .. WHY .. I need answers.
I did not have the heart to have them slice you up for the post-mortem and to wait for the 2 to 3days process...No mother would have the heart to have their bubbly little princess sliced up.
She ends her note with :
For now .. we know you await us in heaven my child.
My child is now an Angel. Amin
My child is now an Angel. Amin
Even my own eyes are tearing up from translating this heart-felt message..
No parents should ever have the need to bury their child, especially if its only 2 months old, due to negligence of another.
As moral support to the late Adelia's family, I have created a pledge badge for my readers which you can place in your blog so that their efforts and pleas for justice will not go in vain. You can find this badge at the right hand top corner of my blog. The badge will bring you to Mamasita's blog on this plight. For more info and updates please read here
It is also a support to urge government bodies to place FULL GEARS AHEAD on creating legislation that:
- It is a MUST for Government or Corporate Companies to at least have a proper nursery so that mothers are able to work and have their children at close proximity (this will also give ease for breastfed babies to enjoy breastfeeding up to 2 years old)
- Enforce bodies that will oversee safety for all nurseries in Malaysia
i don't know them.
but my du'a will be with them.
hr ni 1st time na antar mika kt nursery
mmg prasaan bercmpur baur bile mcm2 kes dgr kan..
tp na xde choice
mintak dijauhkan dr sebarang kejadian xelok
Thanks for sharing this dear. May Allah reward you with endless blessings
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